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    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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When innocence and scoundrel collide…When Elizabeth Chisholm visits Venice with her family, she is unexpectedly drawn to Lord Byron - a man eleven years her senior. What she sees him present to her is grace, gentlemanlike behaviour, and an enthusiasm to pursue her. What she doesn't see is how much of a scoundrel he is - something he can easily hide from a mind and a heart as pure as hers.Having grown up watching the deep and intense love of her parents - Alessandra and Edward - Elizabeth does all that is asked of her day to day but, now the age of eighteen, deeply yearns for someone to love her. The attention she receives from the handsome lord nicely fits into her desires, but where does she fit into his?As Elizabeth is lured into the ongoing uncertainty of Lord Byron's attention, a young Scotsman wants to overcome his intense shyness. The love of art is something that he shares with Elizabeth, but he knows he can't compete with the confidence and handsomeness of the English lord.At the request of Elizabeth's brother, Charles, the young Scotsman proves his worth by attempting to draw Elizabeth away as more things are learned about Lord Byron's actions across Europe, but is it too late? Is the reputation of Elizabeth Chisholm already sealed and irreparable, just through being associated with the scandalous English gentleman?
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