Earl of Bergen
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  • Main Genre:
    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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Thomas, Earl of Bergen is on his way to London for Christmastide and traditional fun with his friends and family. His destination gets delayed when he finds an abandoned donkey and his efforts to save the animal bring him into contact with a lovely widow and a menagerie of both animals and children who need his help with their Christmas pageant. Widowed Lady Elizabeth Newton enjoys her life and her home in the country. She cares for three children from her late husband's mistress, as well as helpless animals of every description that would otherwise, have no home. Life changes when the handsome Lord Bergen brings an abandoned, cross-eyed donkey, believed cursed, to her doorstep. Against all odds, sparks fly between Bergen and the widow. But can a romance survive the danger that follows the donkey?
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