Demonic Dates
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    Dark Fantasy
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Some houses have history…and demons. After receiving a mysterious invitation to visit the home of an infamous seventeenth century witch, Lexie Alexander hurries north from New York to Salem, Massachusetts, eager to explore and learn every hidden secret kept about this witch. As a historian, she's one of the few people alive who knows exactly what this ancestor witch's powers could do, and how dangerous all witches like her could be. But even Lexie isn't prepared for what she finds in the huge, eclectic, creepy house. She's even less prepared for the home's current owner. Miles Reid didn't ask to be related to a notorious witch. He certainly didn't want to inherit her former home, a cursed house passed down through his family from one unlucky relative to the next. Now trapped in the house, barely able to leave without being dragged back, Miles desperately searches for any solution that will get him out of the family curse. And as the anniversary of his ancestor's death approaches, his desperation grows. His only hope, another witch. Together, Lexie and Miles must confront a historical horror and face not only their own demons, but demons from the past, still locked in a house… That doesn't want to let them go. Author's Note: This novella is also published in the collection HAUNTS AND HOWLS WHERE DEMONS DWELL.
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