Creatus Sovereign
  • Published:
    Dec-03-2024 (Release)
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    Contemporary Romance
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The final battle for balance...Vev discovers an ability within herself that goes beyond creatus myths and lore. As a legendary power surfaces, she must embrace her destiny to protect the delicate balance between humans and creatus. Her newfound abilities put her at the center of a storm, with the creatus torn between supporting her vision of coexistence and seeking dominance over humans.Amidst the chaos, Vev's relationship with her soul-partner, Arthur, is tested. Betrayed, she struggles to reconcile her love for him while maintaining her duty to her family. Arthur's unwavering support becomes a beacon of hope as they rally allies from both creatus and human realms, leading to epic battles that push Vev to her limits.Dive into the final chapter of this epic saga and witness the rise of a Sovereign who will change the world forever. Download Creatus Sovereign today and experience the thrilling conclusion!
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