Christmas Kisses: Omnibus
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    Contemporary Romance
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Holly's Christmas Kiss: Happy Holidays? Not for Michelle... Holly Michelle Jolly hates Christmas and she has a good reason to. Apart from her ridiculously festive name which made her the brunt of jokes at school, tragic and unfortunate events have a habit of happening to her around the holiday season. And this year is no different. After the flight to her once-in-a-lifetime holiday destination is cancelled, Michelle faces the prospect of a cold and lonely Christmas. That is, until she meets Sean Munro. Sean loves Christmas, and he wants to share the magic with Michelle. With Sean's help, can Michelle experience her first happy Christmas, or will their meeting just result in another year of memories that she'd rather forget? Learn to love Christmas all over again with this fun romance that's guaranteed to get you cracking out the Baileys and Quality Street early!


Cora's Christmas Kiss : Can you expect a perfect Christmas after the year from hell? nCora and Liam have both experienced horrible years that have led them to the same unlikely place - spending December working in the Grotto at Golding's department store. Under the cover of a Father Christmas fat suit and an extremely unflattering reindeer costume, they find comfort in sharing their tales of woe during their bleak staffroom lunch breaks. But is their new-found friendship just for Christmas? Or have they created something deeper, something that could carry them through to a hopeful new year?


Jessica's Christmas Kiss: Real Christmas miracles only ever happen in the movies - don't they? When Jessica was fifteen, she shared the perfect kiss with a mystery boy at a Christmas party. It might have only lasted a moment, and the boy might have disappeared shortly afterwards but, to Jessica, it was just a little bit magic. Fourteen years later, and Jessica is faced with a less than magical Christmas after uncovering her husband's secret affair. And, whilst she wouldn't admit it, she sometimes finds herself thinking about that perfect Christmas kiss, back when her life still seemed full of hope and possibility. But she never would have guessed that the boy she kissed in the kitchen all those years ago might still think about her too...
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2017
    • Choc Lit
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1781893233
    • ISBN13: 9781781893234
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Nov-2016
    • Choc Lit
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1781893241
    • ISBN13: 9781781893241

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