Charm of Power
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Addison Walker has one job: to catch whatever witch his boss tells him to. Though lately, Addison questions whether the witches he's bringing in are really guilty of anything. Then he encounters Gabby, a rather garrulous witch, who offersto help him catch his target in exchange for three dates, of all things. For lack of a better plan, Addison agrees. It's Gabby's fault he lost the target, after all. Gabby challenges everything he's been told about witches, and Addison begins to question his line of work even further. He will have to make a choice: do his job and turn in his target, or let the witch go free and become cursed for going against his blood binding job contract. Charm of Power is a 5k word short story that takes place in the Yverwood universe, telling the story of Addison before he came to Yverwood. It's a contemporary fantasy with fake dating and a male/trans male pairing.
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