Cary and the Demon Witch
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    Dark Fantasy
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When her best friend's mysterious past comes calling… Cary Redmond is prepared to step in. Although powerful witch, Angie Jordan, is one of Cary's closest friends, there are parts of Angie's past she refuses to talk about. Things she's hinted at but always avoids explaining. Demon related things. And while Cary is very curious about that past, she also respects her friend's privacy. After all, everyone should be allowed their secrets. But when someone out of Angie's past comes to town and threatens her family, Cary doesn't hesitate to throw herself between this threat and her friend. She might not understand the undertone, but she can keep Angie and her family from getting hurt. After all, it's her job as a magical Protector. And what good is being a magical Protector if you can't stand between your friends and disaster? 
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