Broken Together
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    Contemporary Romance
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His parole may have restrictions, but love knows no bounds.Jacob Perry is on the brink of freedom after spending eight years in the Bellevue psychiatric ward. As he sets out on a new journey, he must learn to reconcile his former identity with his present one.But with newfound freedom comes a fresh set of challenges: navigating college as a first-timer, landing a job with a criminal record, dealing with a hostile parole officer, and building relationships with people who can never know the truth about his dark past.But when Jacob meets a sharp-tongued, enigmatic woman harboring secrets of her own, he's faced with another unexpected challenge - romance. As she slips into his life with her endearing wit, Jacob grapples with the daunting question he's been avoiding most: is it possible for someone to truly know him - all of him - and love him anyway?---Broken Together is a clean, heartwarming tale of love, redemption, and second chances. It contains themes of mental health, murder, suicide, self-harm, and physical and sexual abuse.This book is a sequel to the first book in the Redemption Series, Keep No Record.
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