Brass Angel (Gray Wolf Security Shifters: Volume Two, #3)
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This is the third book of the second series of Gray Wolf Security Shifters and contains over 50,000 words of paranormal romantic suspense. For the best reading experience, it is highly recommended to start from the beginning with Pack of Misfits, Gray Wolf Security Shifters. Jessica's father started a biker club charter before she was born, a bioengineer with a passion for motorcycles who only wanted to change the public's opinion of such clubs. But his death sets Jessica on a path that she thought she'd escaped years ago. She finds herself right back inside a biker clubhouse with the same sort of men who'd populated her past. And the man whom Creed has pegged as their inside man, their informant, doesn't seem any different. But there's some sort of mysterious connection between the two of them that seems to stem from the shifter nature they share in common. Jessica would rather forget she's a shifter, but can the past really be forgotten?
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