Blood & Dreams
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    Urban Fantasy
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The latest in a series of brutal murders has left Detective Robert Park close to breakdown, his sense of failure being amplified when his only suspect seemingly becomes a victim of her own gruesome game. With the situation worsening, Park soon realizes that far darker forces are at work in his city than he could ever have imagined.
As his sense of what is real is called into question, the emotional distance between himself and his wife grows ever wider, the guilt he feels over the death of their son pushing him further away from both her and the rule of the law in search of justice.
Meanwhile, the death of a young woman has been all the catalyst needed to reignite the rivalry between two exceptional men.
On the side of good stands Raunfoste, a man who understands the value of the human condition and whose attentions soon find him in the arms of Robert Park's long suffering wife.
On the side of evil stands Corrathos, a man intent on chaos who needs Raunfoste dead in order to indulge his sadistic desires without fear of retribution.
Fuelled by their intense hatred of each other, the pair cut a swathe through the city, the vortex of their feud drawing in everyone around them. With the violence spiraling out of control, it's left to the increasingly fragile figure of Detective Park to try and halt their murderous game and restore order.
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