Across the RIver
  • Published:
    Nov-01-2024 (Release)
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    Contemporary Romance
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Home again on Ceann Mara station, Roisín O'Byrne, a steadfast lawyer committed to protecting the environment, finds herself embroiled in a battle to protect the threatened Darling River that her family have called home for almost two centuries. But her dedication pits her against formidable adversaries within the government body entrusted with safeguarding water resources, including her enigmatic boss, Seth Brodie.As her family continue in their quest to uncover the history of the settlement of Ceann Mara, and the hidden life of one of the first settlers, Samuel O'Byrne, Roisín delves deeper into the murky waters of corporate interests and governmental corruption.When an unexpected twist complicates her pursuit of environmental protection—her undeniable attraction to Seth Brodie, a man whose ideals clash with her own yet whose magnetism is undeniable—Roisin has to make a choice.Will she risk everything, including her happiness, to expose the truth and save the Darling River?
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