A Saiyan's Fate
Vargas arrived on earth and received instructions from Gamera. The heroes could sense his presence already, and awaited whoever they thought was coming. Mac faced off with Vargas and the consequences were devastating. Gamera attacked Faith, and Tyson lost injured his legs trying to save her. As a result, he could not walk temporarily, and might be crippled forever. Faith entered a stage of guilt and couldn’t heal him.As the heroes tried desperately to find a way to heal Tyson, Nebula decided to fight Vargas alone. On the snow field, Vargas told him that he is not really who he is, he is just the brother of Vargas. They had a duel and it was a close one, but Nebula lost. Tyson’s parents heard that their son was paralyzed. So Margrit and Terry went to visit their poor son. Tyson received blessings and hope from his parents and believed he could soon walk again.Meanwhile, Prince Neflite arrived on earth as well, along with Princess Sephia. Terry and Margarita sensed their arrival and waited for them. Margrit recognized her old childhood enemy, Neflite, and the two couples faced off.Terry injured Neflite severely in anger and regretted what he had done. He sent Neflite and Sephia to the hospital where he was treated. Margrit went with them. Eventually, Mac found a treatment for Tyson and he’s healed! He decided to give Faith a surprise, and she was surprised. Finally, Tyson faced off with Vargas. He turned Super Sayan, and Vargas transformed as well and defeated the hero! Jerrell came to save his nephew. Margrit welcomed Jerrell back as she hasn’t seen him in a long time.So the heroes planned together but couldn’t come up with a plan. Gamera ordered Vargas to hunt the heroes, who couldn’t take it anymore. Faith and Gamera had a one on one showdown and she killed him. Tyson and Vargas went for it again, and this time the hero was determined to win. Faith came back just in time and watched the fight. At the end, Tyson made a brilliant move and killed Vargas, and the heroes celebrated happily. Neflite was healed, and he and Sephia left, thanking Terry for his hospitality.
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    • Jul-2022
    • Benjamin Louie
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