A Ray of Hope
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Micah Cooper, an EMT in New York City, was no stranger to thinking fast and acting faster. His life was a continuous loop of spontaneous decisions. Everything was a matter of life or death in his line of work. He lived for the thrill, and loved the ability to help those in need.

Being the son of a well renowned surgeon, Micah was well educated in the life of a medical professional. He had seen everything, or at least he thought he had. But when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, Micah realized he hadn't seen it all. In a single moment, he lost his ability to think. Trapped inside the south tower was his wife, Hope.

Hope was Micah's world, his sunshine, and when the towers collapsed, so did his heart. He watched, along with the world, as the heart of America went down in dust and flames. Through the chaos and devastation, Micah only had one mission, to find Hope.

By his side, through the madness, was his trusted partner and friend, Zachary Pearce. Together, they raced against time and destruction to save Hope. In the midst of tragedy, discouraged that all might be lost, Micah holds on to a ray of hope that his wife will be found.
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    • May-2013
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1490372717
    • ISBN13: 9781490372716

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