A New Light
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It was never supposed to be real.

For Dane Michaels, life consists of three things. Friends, work, and his new home. He spent years as a rolling stone, never settling down until he accepted the job of Fire Marshall in Moon Harbor. Now, he's built a life he enjoys. It may be lonely, but it's entirely his, despite how hard the single ladies in town are working to make it theirs.

Lucy Ellis is done with romance. After the death of her beloved father, she's made it her life mission to both take care of her mom, and shut down all forms of love. She's seen how it can destroy a tender heart. Despite her mom's wish for her to settle down, she sets her sights on more casual fun instead, refusing to be fate's next victim.

When the gossip-mongers in town go too far, Lucy might be just what Dane needs to throw them off his scent. A fake relationship that will stem the tides of small town buzz. What neither expected was the all-consuming chemistry that's unleashed the moment they lock lips. Or the mystery that unravels at their feet.

Now they need to decide whether to embrace their feelings, or lose more than just each other.
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