A Felony of Birds
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This exciting novel is told in three interlocking stories that take the reader from the jungles of Costa Rica to the wilderness of Wisconsin's Northern forests. It's one heart pounding adventure after another for a new kind of female hero--an intelligent, sensitive Chippewa woman with a mind of her own.
Native American Fish & Wildlife Investigator, Rhoda Deerwalker, finds herself in one harrowing adventure after another. Starting with her rookie assignment to observe a bird smuggling case in rural Wisconsin to her stumbling upon a terrorist plot in the deep woods. She matures and grows and ultimately re-evaluates her career and herself. She retreats to the familiar surroundings of the reservation only to get involved in yet another misadventure -- a desperate attempt to shut down a corrupt Indian casino that is exploiting her people. The three stories all mesh together as Rhoda grows, finds romance, and wrestles with who she is and what she wants out of life.
People / Creatures
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