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Finally available, a high quality book of the original classic edition of King Alfred's Old English Version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Turned into Modern English. It was previously published by other bona fide publishers, and is now, after many years, back in print.

This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important work by Saint Augustine, which is now, at last, again available to you.

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Enjoy this classic work today. These selected paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside King Alfred's Old English Version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Turned into Modern English:

Look inside the book:

But He who taught me, and to whom the wood was pleasing, hath power to make me dwell more comfortably both in this transitory cottage by the road while I am on this world-pilgrimage, and also in the everlasting home which He hath promised us through Saint Augustine and Saint Gregory and Saint Jerome, and through many other holy Fathers; as I believe also1.21-2.23 for the merits of all those He will both make this way more convenient than it hitherto was, and especially will enlighten the eyes of my mind so that I may search out the right way to the eternal home, and to everlasting glory, and to eternal rest, which is promised us through those holy Fathers. ...I know not anything to command thee of which thou hast more need for the science which thou wishest to know, than that thou despise, so much as thou art able, worldly honors, and especially intemperate and unlawful ones, because I fear that they may bind thy mind to themselves and take46.10-48.6 it with their snare, just as one catcheth wild beasts or fowls, so that thou canst not accomplish what thou wishest; for I know that the freer thou art from the things of this world, the more clearly thou shalt understand about the wisdom which thou desirest; and if it ever happen that thou canst so entirely forsake them that thou desirest naught of them, then shall I be able to say to thee forsooth (believe me if thou wilt), that in that very hour thou shalt know all that thou wishest now to know, and shalt have all that thou wishest to have. ...But be now of good cheer, and think over what thou hast now learned, and let us both pray that He may help us, for He promised that He would aid every one who called on Him and rightly wished it; and He promised without any doubt that He would teach us after this world that we might very certainly know perfect wisdom and full truthfulness, which thou mayest hear about more clearly in the book which I have before named to thee-De Videndo Deo.

About Saint Augustine, the Author:

This concept countered the Donatist claim that only those in a state of grace were the 'true' or 'pure' church on earth, and that priests and bishops who were not in a state of grace had no authority or ability to confect the sacraments.64pageneeded Augustine's ecclesiology was more fully developed in City of God. ...Anselm of Canterbury established in his Cur Deus Homo the definition that was followed by the great Schoolmen, namely that Original Sin is the 'privation of the righteousness which every man ought to possess', thus interpreting concupiscence as something more than mere sexual lust, with which some of Augustine's disciples had defined it105 as later did Luther and Calvin, a doctrine condemned in 1567 by Pope Pius V.