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Ronald R. Hanna's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    25 Books
  • First Book:
    December 1999
  • Latest Book:
    September 2019
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Book List in Order: 25 titles

  • The "high" sought by those in this society, Washington, D.C., 1968 - 1990, has been so varied, and for some, so continuous, that the tragedies associated with mind alteration are in vivid portrayal through this most chilling novel....

  • The international financial development communities and the diplomatic communities in Washington, D.C. and New York City are rocked to their very foundations when members of the terrorist organization al Qaeda Norte unleash devastating attacks on a n...

  • In the heart of Washington, D.C., there is an ongoing conflict. It is simmering just below the surface most days, and periodically boils to the surface late at night with unexpected, often violent outcomes. The conflicting personalities are as divers...

  • Most people in Washington, D.C. would think there was little need for public transportation in the city after the midnight hour weekdays. But along a thirty-mile stretch of meandering streets, from the upper Northwest quadrant to the deepest part of ...

  • “There was a time when we didn’t shoot one another, but kept arms to protect the family from outside forces: The Klan, other racists, the errant, drug-crazed criminal invading ones home. A time when ‘hustlers’ were fathers, holding down a day...

  • In the heart of Washington, D.C. there is an ongoing conflict. It is simmering just below the surface most days, and periodically boils to the surface late at night with unexpected, often violent outcomes. The conflicting personalities are as diverse...

  • Willette Jenkins was blacker than poet James Weldon Johnson’s hundred midnights. Her family moved to Washington, D.C. in the early 1950s during a time when a lot of blacks in America were as “color-struck” as many of the nation’s white citize...

  • He was a wealthy American businessman, took a break from the hustle and bustle, went to Jamaica and found a most alluring exotic dance club. In time, he became enamored of one particular dancer. But with all his wealth, could he get the young lady of...

  • Ricky Jackson had done it all, primarily along with his crew. He started drinking beer at the tender age of 14, moved on to marijuana and on occasion shot "joogie," or heroin, with his friends. But his friends kept on shooting joogie, and Ricky didn'...

  • Why would a multi-platinum, multimillion-dollar earning recording artist devolve into what any critical analysis would describe as being an unrepentant cokehead? Certainly there are challenges unseen by an admiring public which most successful artist...

  • The latter half of the 21st century, and ills mankind has grown used to for the past 75 years have proven a medical disaster. Cheap, throw-away cellular devices have contributed to the development of a species known as "C-Pheads," for the cell phone ...

  • The boys grew up in a most tumultuous era, the late 1960s into the even more turbulent 1970s, in a Washington, D.C. where remnants of segregation still predominated. They lived in a group of ramshackle public housing projects, and with external prodd...

  • Why are these girls determined to destroy their lives? Is the pull of crack cocaine that great? The answer appears to be a resounding "YES " And these young ladies from Washington, D.C., not at all of low intelligence, took that near fatal first hit,...

  • There came a time when the Great and Supreme had to step in full-force. Mankind had reached a breaking point, and nature, always quite attuned to the intricacies of man’s treatment of one another, erupted in a seemingly endless series of catastroph...

  • Sterling Jason Jackson was a comedian and television/movie star of such acclaim, nothing seemed out of his reach. Then he dared try to purchase a national television network, and things for him not only fell apart, but turned deadly... Pretty Paul Ph...

  • They had been there for generations, African-Americans, in a part of Washington, D.C. which had been thick with blacks since just after the Civil War. But the neighborhoods began once more to flourish commercially, with the arrival, the convenience, ...

  • He was the master percussionist of one of Washington, D.C.'s homegrown go-go groups. But when associated violence cut back on the venues willing to book them, he found himself in a quandary. Bills had to be paid, and he didn't have many more places t...

  • It is well into the future, earth-time. But time really doesn't matter. On the other side of the universe from our present reality of Earth, there are dual planets: One is healthy, live, fruitful, and bountiful. It is what its eventual spiritual occu...

  • When Tyler returned from service in the Middle East, he was despondent, drinking and homeless. A relative afforded him the opportunity to clean himself up, and eventually took advantage of the government's giving first preference to veterans. He was ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ronald R. Hanna has published 25 books.

Ronald R. Hanna does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Last Okey-Dokian, was published in September 2019.

The first book by Ronald R. Hanna, High Society, was published in December 1999.

No. Ronald R. Hanna does not write books in series.