Author Information
Robert Leiterman's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    11 Books
  • First Book:
    October 2000
  • Latest Book:
    February 2023
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Book List in Order: 11 titles

  • Could Bigfoot exist in the wilds of Northwestern California, or are they just the essence of Folklore and Mythical Legends? What would you do if? While on a late afternoon hike, along a meandering trail through a cool, misty, ancient redwood forest, ...

  • Could Bigfoot exist in the wilds of Northwestern California, or are they just the essence of Folklore and Mythical Legends? What would you do if?… While on a late afternoon hike, along a meandering trail through a cool, misty, ancient redwood fores...

  • Patrick knew that nature held many hidden secrets and mysteries for an imaginative boy. He also knew that there were adventures just waiting for the right moment and the right person to stumble upon them. Like many thirteen-year-old boys, he was no e...

  • Could the legendary Bigfoot exist among the ancient redwoods and rugged terrain of California s Eel River Valley? Little is known of the Sinkyone people who once called those majestic forests their home. With their passing went their knowledge of the...

  • When the battle to protect the ancient trees heats up, sides are chosen and lines are crossed. When difficulties disrupt plans, some people are willing to do just about anything to prove their points, even if exploiting the legendary Bigfoot compromi...

  • Martial arts was one thing that Shawn, a 15-year-old boy from a small California town was good at and he knew it. But, it was his misguided anger from his parent's separation that got him into trouble. When Shawn's Sensei found out that he had been s...

  • A family inherits a dilapidated dairy in the Eel River bottoms and has plans to refurbish it back into the famous dairy it once was over half a century ago. With lots of work to do, it leaves the oldest daughter with very little time to answer her gr...

  • Fionna, a quiet young teen and a handful of her friends take advantage of an unusual break in the winter weather and embark on a backpacking trip into the ancient redwoods. Everything is perfect until an unexpected storm rears its ugly head. Tragedy...

  • Gabriel Wilson was a park ranger, who swore an oath to protect the visitors and the park's natural and cultural resources. He seemed to always find himself in the right place at the right time. He was known to pull off the impossible without fail des...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Robert Leiterman has published 11 books.

Robert Leiterman does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Gabriel's Legacy, was published in February 2023.

The first book by Robert Leiterman, The Bigfoot Mystery: The Adventure Begins, was published in October 2000.

No. Robert Leiterman does not write books in series.