The KGB Bar Reading Series, originally conceived as a small literary series in a funky bar in New York City's East Village, has grown into a showcase for daring, lively writing that draws a response from listeners -- and readers -- and is quickly ear...
Selected as a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, Ken Foster's debut collection of short stories follows a sometimes overlapping group of characters as they try to figure out the difference between their aspirations and "the kind they're likely ...
The Island of Second Chances is written by promising new fiction writer, Ken Foster. This book tells an exciting story of a man and woman who were stranded for a few years upon a remote island after each separately experienced horrible happenings at ...
Tom Malley is a young man of fifteen when he loses his parents on their way west. After caring for their bodies and not knowing what to do he continued traveling northwest. Starving to death he was asleep and rode his horse right into an Indian villa...
The Adventures of Tom Malley, Volume II: The Winter of Pleasure In Ken Foster's second book about The Adventures of Tom Malley series, the skilled frontiersman finds himself facing another long winter alone and decides to make his winter camp on a ni...