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  • Bibliography:
    133 Books (5 Series)
  • First Book:
    July 1972
  • Latest Book:
    May 2024
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Full Series List in Order


1 - The Loner (Jul-1972)
2 - Ten Grand (Jul-1972)
3 - Apache Death (Oct-1972)
4 - Killer's Breed (Dec-1972)
5 - Blood on Silver (Mar-1973)
6 - Red River (May-1973)
7 - California Kill (Jul-1973)
8 - Hell's 7 (Oct-1973)
9 - Bloody Summer (Jan-1974)
10 - Black Vengeance (Apr-1974)
11 - Sioux Uprising (Jun-1974)
12 - Death's Bounty (Nov-1974)
13 - The Hated (Mar-1975)
14 - Tiger's Gold (Apr-1975)
15 - Paradise Loses (Jul-1975)
16 - The Final Shot (Oct-1975)
17 - Vengeance Valley (Feb-1976)
18 - Ten Tombstones (May-1976)
19 - Ashes and Dust (Aug-1976)
20 - Sullivan's Law (1977)
21 - Rhapsody in Red (1977)
22 - Slaughter Road (1977)
23 - Echoes of War (1977)
24 - Slaughter Day (1978)
25 - Violence Trail (1978)
26 - Savage Dawn (1978)
27 - Death Drive (Sep-1978)
28 - Eve of Evil (Nov-1978)
29 - The Living, The Dying and the Dead (Feb-1979)
30 - Towering Nightmare (Jun-1979)
31 - The Guilty Ones (Sep-1979)
32 - The Frightened Gun (Dec-1979)
33 - Red Fury (Apr-1980)
34 - A Ride in the Sun (1980)
35 - Death Deal (Dec-1980)
36 - Town on Trial (1981)
37 - Vengeance at Ventura (Sep-1981)
38 - Massacre Mission (1981)
39 - The Prisoner (Apr-1982)
40 - Montana Melodrama (Jul-1982)
41 - The Killing Claim (Dec-1982)
42 - Bloody Sunrise (Dec-1983)
43 - Arapaho Revenge (Dec-1983)
44 - The Blind Side (Feb-1984)
45 - House on the Range (Dec-1984)
46 - Godforsaken (1984)
47 - The Moving Cage (Dec-1984)
48 - School for Slaughter (Dec-1985)
49 - Revenge Ride (Dec-1985)
50 - Shadow on the Gallows (1985)
51 - A Time for Killing (Feb-1986)
52 - Brutal Border (1986)
53 - Hitting Paydirt (1986)
54 - Backshot (1987)
55 - Uneasy Riders (1987)
56 - Doom Town (1987)
57 - Dying is Forever (1988)
58 - The Desperadoes (1988)
59 - Terror Town (1988)
60 - The Breed Woman (1989)
61 - The Rifle (1989)

Edge & Steele

1 - Two of a Kind (Jan-1983)
2 - Matching Pair (Sep-1982)
3 - Double Action (1984)

EDGE: The Return

1 - The Quiet Gun (Jan-2012)
4 - Killing Time in Eternitiy (Apr-2012)
5 - Return to Massacre Mesa (Apr-2012)
6 - Name on the Bullet (Jun-2012)


1 - Rebels and Assassins Die Hard (1974)
2 - Bounty Hunter (1974)
3 - Hell's Junction (1974)
4 - Valley of Blood (1975)
5 - Gun Run (1975)
6 - Killing Art (1975)
7 - Crossfire (1976)
8 - Comanche Carnage (1976)
9 - Badge in the Dust (Dec-1977)
10 - Losers (1976)
11 - Lynch Town (1976)
12 - Death Trail (1978)
13 - Bloody Border (Apr-1979)
14 - Delta Duel (1979)
15 - River of Death (1980)
16 - Nightmare at Noon (1980)
17 - Satan's Daughters (1980)
18 - The Hard Way (1980)
19 - The Tarnished Star (1981)
20 - Wanted for Murder (Dec-1981)
21 - Wagons East (Apr-1982)
22 - Big Game (Jul-1982)
23 - Fort Despair (Jan-1983)
24 - Manhunt (1983)
25 - Steele's War: The Woman (1984)
26 - Steele's War: The Preacher (Sep-1984)
27 - The Storekeeper (1981)
28 - Steele's War: The Stranger (1981)
29 - Big Prize (1981)
30 - The Killer Mountains (1982)
31 - The Cheaters (1982)
32 - The Wrong Man (1982)
33 - The Valley of the Shadow (1983)
34 - Runaway (1983)
35 - Stranger in a Strange Town (1983)
36 - The Hell Raisers (1984)
37 - Canyon of Death (1985)
38 - High Stakes (1985)
39 - Rough Justice (1985)
40 - The Sunset Ride (1986)
41 - The Killing Strain (1986)
42 - The Big Gunfight (1987)
43 - The Hunted (1987)
44 - Code of the West (1987)
45 - The Outcasts (1987)
46 - The Return (1988)
47 - Trouble in Paradise (1988)
48 - Going Back (1989)
49 - The Long Shadow (1989)

The Undertaker

1 - Black As Death (1981)
2 - Destined to Die (1981)
3 - Funeral by the Sea (1981)
4 - Three Graves to a Showdown (1982)
5 - Back from the Dead (1982)
6 - Death in the Desert (Nov-1982)

Book List in Order: 133 titles

  • RAW This is the first book in a new western series, but it's more than just another novel of the American west. This is the bloodiest and most violent story that ever erupted from our native territory. Here is mean, bone-chilling raw stuff, a compel...

  • Out of the American west rides a new hero. He rides alone, trusts no one. EDGE Most of the heroic figures in the stories of our early days as a nation were known for their ideals and sense of honor. Not Edge. Most heroes give their enemy a spor...

  • ROUGH It was his way of life. And for those who got in his way or didn't agree, it was even rougher. Beneath his rugged exterior burned a fire, kindled by pain and fed with hate, ready to flare at the slightest provocation. Life is rough, but the al...

  • It wasn't the way he was born or brought up. Something happened. Something that turned him, mind and soul, into a case-hardened man. His was a life shaped by death. He was a man alone, living by his own personal code, and committed to violence as a m...

  • COLD He trusted silver. It was all he could rely on. Except himself. And the Comstock Lode was one of the richest silver strikes the world had ever seen. So Edge was there. So was the Tabor gang -- sadistic killers led by a renegade Quaker. The volu...

  • JAGGED It was a jagged rip in his memory. In jail for a killing he didn't commit, Edge is puzzled by the prisoner in the next cell. Where had they met before? Was it at Shiloh, or in the horror of Andersonville? This is the sequel to Killer's ...

  • SHARP It seemed nice. A quiet little town, just outside of Los Angeles. The central building is a theater, run by Rodney Holly. Right next door is the photographer, Justin Wood. A small, pleasant place to live, the kind of place people dream ab...

  • EDGE A man always at war. He learned how in the Civil War, and never stopped after that war ended. Except to remember. Now he's remembering the summer of 1863. There was a great train robbery. There were Chinese bandits and a village of innocent w...

  • BRUTAL Colonel George P. Haven. Probably the most despised man in the U.S. Army. Put him in a fort in the Badlands of Dakota -- American territory by law but Sioux land by right. Add the Ball gang -- as vicious a group of robbers and killers a...

  • BITTER His past and present are mixed. The past is the savage, brother-kill-brother world of the Civil War. It's the storming of Missionary Ridge and a new command, a command comprised entirely of liberated slaves. And there's a prisoner from the ...

  • HOT Trailing smoke and flames, a blazing wagon has rolled through a quiet, dusty town in the Dakotas. Two white women are tied to stakes within it, their bodies a mass of arrows. And Edge's wife, Beth is gone. Edge arrives too late to save her,...

  • BLOODY It was a small Wyoming town, sleeping uneasily in the memory of a time when its people went mad with ruthless vengeance. Now once a year its streets open up to strangers, and its past crime is drowned in the drink and noise of reckless cele...

  • RAW In a town called Hate only one man ruled, and his double-barreled shotgun was the law. Sherrill Corners owned the town and everything in it, including the people. He was judge, jury, and executioner. No one dared risk the bloody consequences o...

  • GOLDEN Seascape, Oregon. A down-at-the-heels carny with one spectacular sideshow -- a brick of solid gold worth $1,000,000. Roger Case knew that to the untamed men of the West, this was just putting temptation in their way, and he feared for both ...

  • BURNING The town called Paradise was hell on earth for outsiders. Off the beaten track, its very isolation let Paradise create its own code of law, and it was vicious, ruthless, and merciless. Edge had already been in a town called Hate, where the...

  • Even from a distance he looked deadly. His lean, towering frame measured at least three inches over six feet. About two hundred pounds of mean muscle and bone. His dark clothes were coated with a gray film of trail dust, from his worn and scarred boo...

  • A dead man is slung over Steele’s saddle as he rides into the town of Black Rock. The townsfolk burn with rage, for the murdered man was well-loved; taken hostage during a bank raid, he had been slain by the notorious Tyler gang. Inspired not by se...

  • For the first time in his life he has a bundle of cash -- $25,000 -- and not a care in the world. Then he happens to trespass on Woodrow Ryan's spread, a huge chunk of western Texas. Never one to appreciate being told what to do, Edge is soon batt...

  • COLD Dead from murdering Barnaby Tree was carved into ten tombstones and carted around the West by two avenging women. Ten killers to kill in vengeance. Of course -- the women needed a little help. Just someone to trail and find the men, someon...

  • GRAVE On the northern bank of the Rio Grande, Edge witnesses a funeral ...which soon erupts into a scene of savage brutality. A young woman is beaten and raped before a priest and the coffin of her dead father. The attackers then break open the co...

  • Edge arrives in Carroll County, Nebraska, where posters are displayed asking people to vote for the mayor and town council of a neighboring town. Caught in a sudden rainstorm, the half-breed takes shelter in a building where he meets a young couple -...

  • TOUGH Edge is broke and decides to take on a job as herd-driver with the Big - T outfit. Almost from the start he meets with opposition from the outfit's former hands who have sworn to stop the herd from reaching its destination. But the half-b...

  • JADED In Denver, Edge is hired to protect a rich old gentleman heading east with a coffin containing his mysterious Oriental wife. On the way, Chinese assassins and hired guns threaten to kidnap the body of the "princess"... and kill whoever ge...

  • CUTTING New York is just another frontier town to Edge. A horse and carriage is just a fancier mule wagon. But if he's caught in an alley, Edge's skill with the razor will make any gangland godson smart. When Edge gets trapped in the crossfire ...

  • AVENGING On his way out West, Edge joins up with a Scottish couple, Angus and Ruth Ross, bound on a strange mission. The Rosses are traveling in an old Conestoga wagon loaded with four costly and ornate caskets. They have come a long way in search...

  • RAZOR In Virginia City, Edge encounters a nervous magician named Willard, whose magic show attracts his attention. Deciding to stop, Edge gets caught between two drunken cowhands in the middle of a shootout. Edge saves a woman's life, becomes the ...

  • Edge sets off for bloody revenge when he gets a tip on where he can find the renegade Sioux warrior who killed Beth. The hombres holding the hated Sioux hostage seem to want much more than money in exchange for the warrior, so Edge decides to take ma...

  • DOUBLE Meandering through the scorching desert of southern New Mexico, Edge is ensnared in a seething conflict between white men and Apaches. Seems that years ago one of the local men was murdered for raping a squaw, and both sides are out for blo...

  • DOUBLE To wheedle a substantial sum of money out of her wealthy but miserly father, a young, beautiful hot-head arranges to be kidnapped by a pack of trigger-happy Mexican bandits -- who can't keep a promise. Kane Worthington, the most detested...

  • WARNING! This book is NOT for the faint-hearted reader!It wasn’t the way he was born or brought up. Something happened. Something that turned him, mind and soul, into a case-hardened man. His was a life shaped by death. He was a man alone, liv...

  • Mesa, Colorado, was a nice town. Settled, growing, thriving. God-fearing on a Sunday, money-making of a weekday, the citizens grew carefully richer, and their life had a pattern to it.A pattern that Adam Steele didn’t fit. Not when he rode in, ...

  • 'I ain't never come across two colder, one-track-minded men in all my life. And if I had to choose between the two of them, I'd have to say Barnaby Gold has the makin's of bein' the coldest.' The storekeeper who had spat before, did it again. And bro...

  • Book #20 in the Adam Steele Series - Adam Steele's gun was still smoking as the Chinese girl uttered his name with her dying breath. The real killer had escaped and now Steele was on the run with a murder charge on his head.Steele needed help. Martha...

  • Giant redwoods clinging to the slopes of the Coastal Range as it drops down to the blue Pacific Ocean.Man stretched out on the wide deserted beach right by the water’s edge. Surf may be up but he’s paying no mind. Not working on his tan e...

  • *****A good looking woman in a good looking position. Long, long black hair, a fine figure and those long, long legs, all stretched out and waiting on the ground. Enough to raise the old Adam in Steele. Except she wasn't offering anything. On account...

  • For two bright kids traveling West with their parents in a covered wagon, there’s plenty to see, moving slowly through the country, making camp at a different place every night: strange birds and flowers, animal life. The wild and wilderness sc...

  • Nothing was going right. For a man who traveled alone and light, Adam Steele was well burdened with people and possessions: a wizened old-timer, a widow woman and all their worldly goods piled high on a wagon. Nice enough people but Steele was irked ...

  • Dead on time—the last train to Lantana Flats pulled slowly in.Dead on the tracks—one old-timer, a prospector.Barely alive to his predicament—the depot manager. With the railroad closing, he was out of a job and the Nevada desert was...

  • The sign at the town boundary read: ROSARITA—Pop. Growing FastNot a claim borne out by the deserted main — and only — street. Then a tolling bell and the sound of voices raised in a funeral hymn told Adam Steele that all Rosarita's ...

  • *****When the man called Edge rode into the old gold town of Paydirt, he wasn't looking for gold; for pay neither. And dirt was just what he wanted to get rid of. A hot bath, a belly full of decent food and a clean bed - that was all he needed. That ...

  • The man was sick. The man was busy.Thin, hollow-cheeked, breathing heavy with a nasty cough, blood showing where he spat. Looked to be fifty going on seventy.But working. Digging, determined, near exhausted but full of purpose.The man called Edge, ri...

  • *****Maybe this was the new West. Adam Steele, elegant in cream suit and white satin shirt, a high gloss on his fancy boots, riding into town to consult with his banker. Steele passing the work crew from the Telegraph Company, stringing the wire betw...

  • Holderville, Texas was a dying town. Shuttered storefronts, derelict homes, half the population already gone, their property abandoned. Behind the stockade, the garrison of Fort Holder was getting ready to pull out. Even the town drunk had gotten on ...

  • She was one of those Liberating Women.Right now it was horses she was trying to liberate. Two of them, rightfully the property of the lawmen who’d just awakened the man called Edge and told him that his horse had been liberated by a night-time ...

  • So this was Utopia, Arizona-style.The man called Edge looked about him. The Promised Land it wasn’t: one army post, two saloons and three whores. Add in a couple of rundown stores and an even more rundown church with a whiskey-soaked preacher a...

  • Winton, Oregon was a prosperous, orderly town until one day things began to go wrong. A woman had been brutally murdered and the wrong man hanged. In retalliation a protest movement was formed which began killing those responsible. Could Edge sort th...

  • The latest in the long-running Western series, this novel concerns Edge's relationship with a half-breed woman whom he knows will have a disturbing effect on his future. It is set in the crumbling town of Ross, Oregon. Gilman's novels have been trans...

  • This Western tells the story of Adam Steele and his attempt to settle down and put down some roots. He has to change his plans suddenly when confronted by a determined woman with a Colt Derringer in her hand and a Bible in her lap....

  • A Western featuring Steele, an inveterate trouble seeker, who has spent the past 12 months trying to come clean. The author who portrays Steele in a moment of weakness when his defences are down and trouble begins again, has also written 48 other tit...

  • Quite a gathering outside the church.Not a smart, Sunday-best crowd though. More a weekday-shabby, work-stained bunch. But then Serrano Dinero was a pretty shabby kind of place. No gold in them thar hills any more. Just a bare living to be scratched ...

  • George G. Gilman’s legendary series about a man called, ‘EDGE’ was said to be the most violent western in print. Well, he’s back! The Outrage is the third in a new six book miniseries. This would be a great addition to anyone’s book collect...

  • George G. Gilman’s legendary series about a man called, ‘EDGE’ was said to be the most violent western in print. Well, he’s back! The Quiet Gun is the first in a new six book miniseries. This would be a great addition to anyone’s book colle...

  • George G. Gilman’s legendary series about a man called, ‘EDGE’ was said to be the most violent western in print. Well, he’s back! The Deputy is the second in a new six book miniseries. This would be a great addition to any...

  • George G. Gilman’s legendary series about a man called, ‘EDGE’ was said to be the most violent western in print. Well, he’s back! 'Killing Time in Eternity' is the fourth in a new six book miniseries. This would be a great addition to anyoneâ...

  • George G. Gilman’s legendary series about a man called, ‘EDGE’ was said to be the most violent western in print. Well, he’s back! Return to Massacre Mesa is the fifth in a new six book miniseries. This would be a great add...

  • George G. Gilman’s legendary series about a man called, ‘EDGE’ was said to be the most violent western in print. Well, he’s back! Name on the Bullet is the sixth and final book in the miniseries. This would be a great addition to anyone’s b...

  • Steele.Storekeeper, settled and accepted. Him and his wife. Until the stranger rode into town. A hard, silent man with an old newspaper photo all crumpled up in his hip pocket. A photo that just happened to show something from his past.That was when ...

  • The black-clad preacher had led his people a long way: from Pennsylvania, across the prairies to the mountains of Montana. Led them trusting absolutely in the Lord to take care of them, tell them where to settle. They would ask help from no-one but t...

  • Accord, Wyoming.To Steele it looked like some sort of ghost town. Nothing moving, no people, no horses, not even a cur dog. Nothing except the hot dry wind blowing down the one street, raising a little dust. His horse’s hooves echoed lough as h...

  • Like most banks, the Munro, Colorado branch of the Western States offered its customers a range of services. Like all banks, you had to pay for them.Right now the man called Edge was availing himself of one of the facilities to wire $150 on to a spor...

  • There was not a whole lot of talking going on …On account the two up top—driver and guard of The Central Western Stage Line’s Concord coach—were the strong silent type.On account the younger woman inside was in deep mourning f...

  • Adam Steele was doing the shopping. The girl, blonde and bright, checked off the rest of his list and started packing it all away in a gunny sack. The old man, her grandfather, looked proudly down at her as he rummaged around on a high shelf at the b...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

George G. Gilman has published 133 books.

George G. Gilman does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Adam Steele 36, was published in May 2024.

The first book by George G. Gilman, The Loner, was published in July 1972.

Yes. George G. Gilman has 5 series.