Fast food, monsters, and super funny, madcap adventure combine in this graphic novel series starter as Carlton Crumple sets out to stop the Munchie monsters from taking over every Chubbzy Cheeseburger in America! Fans of series like Lunch Lady and Do...
More hilarious antics, more fast food, and more zany monsters combine in a treat middle grade graphic novel readers will devour in the second installment of the Carlton Crumple Creature Catcher series for fans of Lunch Lady and Dog Man.Now that Carlt...
An out-of-this-world new adventure in a very funny graphic novel series that combines fast food, monsters, and battle! Fans of Lunch Lady and Dog Man will gobble this down.When Carlton catches a UFO on camera, he kicks into full-on Creature Catcher m...
More hilarious antics, more fast food, and more zany monsters combine in a treat middle grade graphic novel readers will devour in the second installment of the Carlton Crumple Creature Catcher series for fans of Lunch Lady and Dog Man.Now that Carlt...