Beneath the Mistletoe
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    Traditional Regency
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    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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Snow falling in great drifts across the countryside, a Yule log blazing on an open hearth, an angel-topped tree sparkling in all its holiday finery. Christmas is a time for dreams to come true, for longings to be fulfilled, and for three young ladies to find the extraordinary gift of love...

Underneath the Mistletoe

In Alice Holden's Beneath the Mistletoe, an accident on an icy road brings a dashing young army officer to Megan Wyndom's remote little cottage, igniting bitter memories of a family disgrace and sweet kisses stolen in happier times. In Monique Ellis' The Year Father Christmas Came Calling, a bold burglary at a country inn brings a handsome world-weary Lord to Sarah Forte's doorstep, where he soon finds him-self playing Father Christmas to a disarming group of orphans and the enchanting young woman he longs to make his Lady. In Paula Tanner Girard's Lady Emelia's Christmas Party, a raging snowstorm strands five strangers at Badger Hall, where an eccentric old housekeeper playing the grande dame entwines the hearts of two reluctant lovers.

Let three favorite romance authors warm your heart in an anthology brimming with merriment, romance, and love--the true treasures of the Christmas season.
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