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After college student Shannon O’Connor stumbles into Hell and meets Samael, the alcoholic angel of death, she finds herself embroiled in a celestial war that will reshape the very structure of the cosmos, not to mention seriously ruin her GPA. A freshman, Shannon is intent on succeeding in school and stalking David Bowie. Samael, however, has other plans – he sees Shannon as his trump card in his campaign against the heavens. For God has waged an ancient war against Samael and the pagan gods, causing a mass exodus of immortals into Hell – an exodus that Shannon, an ascendant, can reverse. Able to open portals to other worlds, ascendants – specifically Shannon – can restore the balance between worlds. With a little help from the werewolf mafia, Samael and Shannon set out on a madcap adventure to heal links between Earth and the mythic realms, all the while keeping angels off their backs and making time for Samael’s (horrible) jazz band. But all is not as it appears, and Samael is keeping something from Shannon - something of Biblical proportions. After all, the End of Time's are approaching, and the sands in Death's hourglass are running out...
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