A Picture Perfect Romance
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    Traditional Regency
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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The expectant hush of the wedding congregation, the rustle of a lifted bridal veil, and the sparkle in a new bride's eyes as she and her groom forever pledge their love. But before this glorious moment can take place, misadventures, misunderstandings, and delightful surprises abound for three charming couples...

Utterly disinterested in romance, heiress Harriet Woodford marries her handsome neighbor out of mutual convenience -- but neither gambles on losing their hearts in Elena Greene's "The Wedding Wager." Feisty bluestocking Phillipa Westhaven in Alice Holden's "A Picture Perfect Romance" sallies forth amid the ton for a husband -- only to find love in a most unexpected place. And in Regina Scott's "The June Bride Conspiracy," deceptively demure Joanna Lindby sets out to prove to her master-spy fiance that love can be the greatest adventure of all.

Come revel in that unforgettable day when spirited ladies and determined gentlemen whisper vows and exchange joyous kisses that promise forever-and-always...
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