Enemies To Lovers: Trusting the Enemy
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    Previously released story collection
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List of Titles

Author Book Series Genre Date Rating Genre      
Romantic Suspense / RS 5
Romantic Suspense / RS 5
Romantic Suspense / RS 4
  • Description:
    Too dangerous to trust?

    Martine Broussard has never forgotten the terrible night years ago that drove her and her best friends apart. Now a vengeful someone is brutally killing each woman involved. Martine has one chance at survival, enlisting the help of detective Jimmy -- the one person she distrusts most! And the passion flaring between them is anything but safe…

    Branded a traitor, Rikki Taylor is in the sights of sniper Quinn McBride's rifle. Yet the navy SEAL knows this woman intimately, and there's no way she'd betray her country…or him. Discovering her real secrets can wait -- first, they must make it out alive!

    Paige Riddell never expects her relaxing hike to end in gunfire or in Rob Allerton's strong arms. The handsome agent arrested her troubled brother years ago. But when Rob becomes her live-in bodyguard, Paige can't help falling for her very own enemy…