When Strange Things Happen
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What exactly happens when reality goes beyond the physical world? What is it called when our senses can no longer give an accurate account of what's happening around us? What exactly is that gray area between our current reality and alternative realities? What happens to us when we can no longer distinguish between what is reality and what is imagination? The answers to these questions are elusive. But one thing is known for sure; trying to answer these questions is When Strange Things Happen. They say that life is stranger than fiction. Indeed, all of the stories included in this book are fiction and each is very strange in its irony, its page-turning suspense and surprising, even shocking endings. But as shocking as the stories are, they are no more extreme than those strange and shocking things that life can and often does present.
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    • May-2010
    • Old Line Publishing
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 098447689X
    • ISBN13: 9780984476893
    • May-2010
    • Old Line Publishing, LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)

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