Weekend with the Billionaire
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He's a Wall Street Billionaire preparing to take the reins of an investment powerhouse. She's just looking to earn some extra money Uber driving between graduate classes at Columbia University. There's a massive storm headed towards New York City; but she needs the cash and he needs to make it home in the suburbs before the storm arrives. You never know what can happen when two strangers share a lengthy car ride and stimulating conversation. She's intrigued by his laid-back approach to living the ultra-rich CEO lifestyle. He's intrigued by her passion for the graduate student academic lifestyle. And it starts thereā€¦

The several love scenes are sensual masterpieces. The book's co-stars wonderfully portray the accomplished college heroine and the confident billionaire. Stimulating narrative perfectly captures the contrast of the city with the isolation of his suburban estate.

Throughout the entire narrative, this sexy, steamy page-turner will satisfy your most passionate desires. The character descriptions and plot lines are refreshingly educated while still maintaining a graceful and flirty passion to them. The variety of personalities brings to life the fascinating contrasts between their two worlds. They are fervent for one another and you're guaranteed to be captivated with every thrilling page.

About the Author:
Margaret Miller received a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 2007. Her genius is displayed in this thrilling series debut; a poignant page-turner and an extraordinary chick-lit romance -- introducing us to the life of a college graduate student and how she winds up meeting a Wall Street billionaire. Miller's latest narrative is creative, thoughtful and honest, highlighting perfect city and country backdrops, unforgettable co-stars, complete with a modern-day composition that reads adoringly fresh and full of life.
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People / Creatures
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2016
    • Margaret Miller
    • eBook
    • Jun-2016
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1310438897
    • ISBN13: 9781310438899

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