Watching the End of the World
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It's just another reality show…until the world ends.

Desperate to get his acting career off the ground, Nate takes a role on a reality TV show. He's sure it will be terrible, but at least he'll get some exposure. But while flying to location in Africa, Nate and the other contestants learn that terrorists have released a bioweapon in the world's busiest airports. With their destination airport closed and fuel running out, they are forced to crash land on a small airfield in the African jungle.

The airfield seems like a blessing. It has a warehouse with living quarters, solar power, even a satellite TV. But when armed men attack them and their jet is destroyed by a rocket, they learn it has something else, something a warlord will kill them all for.

Now they are forced to fight for their lives, while every day the TV brings news of an outside world descending into chaos and anarchy. It looks like the apocalypse has come, and Nate is faced with decisions about what he is willing to do to survive, whether his morals have any place at the end of the world.

And the whole time, Nate and the others never imagine what is really going on…
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