Travelling Girl
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Kate Kirkby has promised Andrew Carmichael that she'll do just one more season working for Three C's travel company, before settling down and becoming his wife. She is sent out to accompany a tour to Russia and despite the company's strict guidelines on such matters, she can't help herself becoming emotional involved in their lives. There's Lucy Livingstone-Smith, a sweet-natured, shy spinster who is desperate to fill up her lonely days; Nigel Faringdon, a charming divorcee who is determined to rid his young daughter Linette's mind of the decadence and frivolities she has learnt whilst living in Paris with her mother; and attractive Ranald McEwan, in search of his bestfriend's sister who has gone missing in Russia in pursuit of her lover. None of them can help being influenced by Russia; whether it's the sheer disparity between the opulence of the country's buildings and treasures and the poverty of its people, or the imbalance of its political regime, life is set to change in many ways and even Kate is not immune to the changes and upheavals that fate has in store...
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    • Nov-2003
    • Severn House
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0727873288
    • ISBN13: 9780727873286
    • Large Print

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