The World and His Wife
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In 1828, the beautiful Rosina Wheeler married one of Victorian England's most successful and prolific writers, Edward Bulwer Lytton. What followed shocked and entertained the public for over thirty years.After their marriage broke down, Rosina refused to be silenced. She pursued her husband with a single-minded and very public campaign to prove she was in the right. She even interrupted her husband's election campaign to denounce him to the assembled voters. Edward responded by threatening to have her committed to a lunatic asylum.But that was only the beginning.The novel draws freely on Edward and Rosina's own words. Both have a convincing story to tell – except that they disagree about everything.Stephen Wyatt's wit, erudition and mastery of narrative are ideally suited to this corking tale of twisted love, obsession and revenge. – Andrew Cartmel, author of the best-selling Vinyl Detective series and co-author of The Rivers of London comic booksA masterpiece of a mismatched Victorian marriage – read it! And laugh and weep at the same time. – Christie Dickason, whose many historical novels include The Dragon Riders, The Firemaster's Mistress and The Noble AssassinStephen Wyatt lives in Kent and is an award-winning writer for radio, theatre and television. Highlights include: creating two Classic Dr. Who stories, Paradise Towers and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy; co-writing Cameron Mackintosh's first independent musical production; winning the Tinniswood Award for best original radio script twice; working with Patrick Stewart on two plays about Raymond Chandler in Hollywood; providing the libretto to an unfinished opera by Debussy; and dramatising Dante's The Divine Comedy for radio. To find out more, visit Stephen's website:
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