The True Adventures of Richard Turpin
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The True Adventures of Richard Turpin tells the real story of the life of the most famous highwayman of all, Dick Turpin.

Narrated by Jack Peaker, lackey to the Master Turnkey at York Castle Prison where Turpin is being held under an alias, the tale follows the man's exploits in Essex and London with a gang of house-breakers, his career as a highwayman, and the catastrophic events that made him flee to the North.

In East Yorkshire, under a false name, he makes his living stealing horses, but gets taken into custody for a minor offence, which eventually leads to his being taken to York. There his true identity is eventually revealed, leaving the city enthralled by the presence of such a famous villain in their midst. And they flock to the prison to see him, as he awaits his fate at the upcoming Assizes.
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2014
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1783013621
    • ISBN13: 9781783013623
    • Mar-2014
    • eBook (Kindle)

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