The Major's Warriors
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    Terra Nova - 2
    Siren Menage and More ManLove
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[Siren Menage Everlasting ManLove: Erotic Alternative Futuristic Sci-Fi Menage a Quatre Romance, M/M/M/M, HEA] Major Jacob "Jake" O'Connell is a career soldier. He did as he was ordered. When he was brought in on Project Alliance, he never dreamed it would lead him to another world. But as the mission he's sent on turns into something he wants more than his next breath, Jake has to decide if turning his back on everything he has ever known is worth accepting the three catmen that want to claim him as their own. When Terra Nova is threatened, taking him back to Earth, Jake has to fight for his freedom and the freedom of the world he now considers his home. But the betrayal is deep and comes from an unexpected source. Can Jake and his warriors work together to defeat their enemies or will Jake be forced to choose between earthlings and aliens? ** A Siren Erotic Romance
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