The Lovesick Mail Order Husband
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    19th Century American West
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Clean western romance. Short story.

Drew Baker chose Brace Cordell for her mail order husband from the several men she had to choose from. He seemed the perfect match for her. She wanted a man who would let her run free, help her run her pa's ranch, and let her make her own decisions. He'd lost his wife and baby a year before and said he wasn't ready to love again. That settled the decision for her because she wasn't a woman to settle down and let a man rule her life.

Brace Cordell arrived in Bender's Spring to marry Drew Baker. What he didn't count on was marrying a woman who was dressed in pants and a shirt during their wedding ceremony. Besides that, she was wild and unruly and tough as any man. He was determined to tame her, but could he break her wild spirit and win her love?
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