The Headman & the Assassin
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HE KNEW HER WORK WAS MURDERSam Baahuhd has been the village headman for twenty-two years. Like all the headmen in surrounding villages, he has powers. But Sam's powers are greater than any headman's, anywhere, ever. He controls others with his speech and heals with a touch. Even with what he can do, Sam has survived only because he's kept his fellow villagers from murdering him. They're a gang of thugs who spend most of their time drunk or stoned.Sam and the villagers live on Veronica Edgarton's estate. Or they do until nuclear Armageddon forces them into a huge underground bomb shelter.When Sam carries a naked stranger into the shelter, he knows what she did before the war. Her work was murder--murdering people. She tortured people until they broke, or died. She was a federal agent in a police state.Nuclear radiation traps Sam and Emily and the rest of the village's residents in an echoing cement cavern three hundred feet beneath the earth's surface. There is no escape from the underground. Not for them. Or their children, or their children's children . . .Sam has no idea Emily will ignite his heart and change his world. The lovely outsider carries deadly secrets. Only Sam with his village headman's power can heal her. Only Emily can make Sam the man he was meant to be.Passion explodes between them. Passion that brings joy and pain, ecstasy and remorse. Passion that can kill.Join Sam & Emily for a legendary love story you'll never forget.
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2013
    • Vilasa Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1937927040
    • ISBN13: 9781937927042

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