The Feather Wendy
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A story to encourage all ages that even when hope has gone it can return. Lost dreams can be found and life can change for the better.

The Feather is an exquisitely illustrated book that brings encouragement and hope to those of all ages who face difficult, ongoing circumstances. The feather enters the world in darkness but brings healing hope to a frail young girl. It helps her to dream again when all her own dreams have been lost.

Emily had been unwell for a long time. Lying in her room she had forgotten what it felt like to be well and no longer thought about all the wonderful things in the world outside. She had lost hope she could ever be well again.

But ..

"In the most still hour of the morning, that time when you talk in whispers and cast no shadow, down from the dark silent sky fell a beautiful, soft, white feather. It spun, danced and floated as if it were a living thing. Slow and fast, high and low, until the first light of the morning painted it pink and gold."

After being whisked along over meadows, flowers, streams and high mountains by the wind, the feather finally finds its way into Emily's room. It brings with it not only the fragrances of the outside world but hope. It lands on Emily's hand while she is asleep and her dreams are filled with images and the fragrances of natural wonders. When she wakes and sees the feather she knows it is special. The feather helps Emily remember and find the world she had lost.

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    • Feb-2019
    • Wendy Mary Matthews
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 0473451808
    • ISBN13: 9780473451806
    • First Edition
    • Mar-2019
    • Wendy Mary Matthews
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0473451816
    • ISBN13: 9780473451813

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