The Breagagh Saga
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Leprechauns, fairies, enchanted wells, saints, sinners, beautiful children, and the heart and soul of the Gael are the main players on this tour down a river that is so much more than just a sentimental journey. The Author has captured the wit, wisdom, and will to triumph in this most unique collection of prose, poetry, stories, myths, legends, and modern day shenanigans that is Irish to the bone and Gaelic to the heart. The Breagagh Saga is a timeless journey through the land of his childhood. His words will evoke tears of sorrow for tragedy and tears of laughter for the joy of a boyhood lived out in a wonderland where the salmon is the wisest fish in the river and Leprechauns search for Lilliput women for their brides. Fantasy and reality are blended together so artfully that it is difficult at times to know where one begins and the other ends. You will be captivated by the stories told by your tour guides, Bags and Aeroplane, as they lead you along this wonderful river that runs through Kilkenny. They will teach you of the ancient ones and bring you forward into the modern reality of an international airport brought to its knees by an invasion of Leprechauns. It is filled with mischief, laughter, tenderness, human kindness, corruption, cruelty, and all those qualities that make up mankind. This delightfully entertaining work fits into no genre except that of being totally Irish. Have a box of tissue near by as you read for you are sure to shed a bucket full of tears in laughter and in sorrow as you follow your guides down this enchanted river.
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    • Jun-2007
    • Authorhouse
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1425987605
    • ISBN13: 9781425987602
    • Jun-2007
    • Authorhouse
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Jun-2007
    • Authorhouse
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1467012076
    • ISBN13: 9781467012072

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