The Blackguards
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My thriller, "The Blackguards" is based on my own experience as part of a secret mission to end the Vietnam War. It can be best described as "Matterhorn" meets "The Da Vinci Code." Synopsis:

During the Vietnam War, the 173rd Airborne Brigade is ordered by President John F. Kennedy to shut down the port at Cam Pha.

On the eve of the mission, fate intervenes and President Kennedy is assassinated -- and the mission is canceled. Nick O'Malley, a member of the unit, is rotated back to Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

This would be the end of his involvement if it weren't for a chance encounter at Fort Bragg with and old comrade who delivers some shocking news: The entire 173rd Airborne has been wiped out. The Brigade was "Accidentally" dropped behind enemy lines, in the direct line of heavy fire.

After discharge Nick discovers that this tragedy may not be the accident the military claims and soon unravels a sinister plot involving arms merchants, corrupt politicians, and a world-spanning cabal that will stop at nothing to keep the war going and their profits soaring.

"The Blackguards" is a story of politics and big business as Nick races to uncover the truth before he gets killed. Targeted for the general reader, it will also appeal to those interested in conspiracies, mysteries, and suspense. The characters are tough Americans up against near-impossible odds, making "The Blackguards" a relevant, good-versus-evil thriller with enough facts and reality to leave the readers questioning the veracity of mainstream American history.

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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2012
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1468135511
    • ISBN13: 9781468135510
    • Dec-2016
    • Crossroad Press
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 194140894X
    • ISBN13: 9781941408940

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