The Baby Boomer Conspiracy Marcella
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Dr. Antonio Silvano made a series of questionable decisions that not only impacted his life but the lives of his family and the very generation he was born into. As a young man, he elected to go to Vietnam as an enlisted soldier. While there, he fathered a daughter that he kept secret from his family his entire life. In trying to protect his secret, this decision eventually led him to become involved with a family member who had ties to the Mafia. Ultimately, this Mafia connection led to him being framed for a murder he did not commit. And while trying to protect his family by collecting evidence regarding his alliance with the Mafia and Big Pharma, he was murdered.But through the determination of his Vietnamese daughter, Kim Chai, who became a CIA operative, a connection was established with her older American sister, Linda Silvano, who had a PhD in pharmaceutical engineering and who had gone to work for the very pharmaceutical company that her father had warned her to stay away from. Linda's accidental discovery of tainted drugs produced by her company (BBG), and encrypted files led to multiple death threats on her life. But with the help of her sister, Kim Chai, and her boyfriend, Jaxon James, who was an FBI agent, Linda was able to successfully elude her would-be assassin and expose the conspiracy by members of the federal government and Big Pharma to commit genocide against the baby boomer generation.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2023
    • Covenant Books
    • Trade Paperback
    • Mar-2023
    • Covenant Books, Inc.
    • eBook
    • ISBN13: 9798886444223

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