Tempted By Them
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This story was originally published in the 'Tempt Me' Anthology.Chloe Sawyer has known her two best friends since before she thought of boys as more than a nuisance. The two guys have dated since high school - often unintentionally making her feel like a third-wheel. But with a friendship as strong as theirs she couldn't allow anything to come between them. So, Chloe pushed down her attraction as they went off to college, shared apartments, and continued to live by their motto of it being them against the world. And, through all of it, the two sexy - gay - men have tempted her beyond reason. Chloe wanted what the two men had - the relationship, the devotion, the love, the trust, and most of all she wanted their bodies.Roark Olsen and Jaxon Lane met the first day of kindergarten. They were fast friends and spent every moment together from that first day on. It wasn't until high school when their hormones kicked in that they realized their attraction for one another. It wasn't that they weren't attracted to women... but they never needed a woman.Except they're now approaching thirty and Roark is concerned that Chloe isn't really living. It'd be selfish to keep her to themselves, right? Besides, something has changed with Chloe. She's acting strange and the guys are ready to stage an intervention.Will Chloe find her happily ever after with the men she craves or will she continue to be tempted by them?-Can a third-wheel get what she's always wanted... two sexy, passionate men?
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2020
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback

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