Second Chances
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Mothers and daughters are connected in a way that profoundly shapes their choices and hearts. Now, in this portrayal of four unforgettable women, Marlene Fanta Shyer reveals the bonds that hold a family together and the passions that threaten to tear them apart...

Julie Kessler lived the perfect, comfortable suburban life. Her exquisite home was cited in House and Garden; her husband, Gilbert, was still just as madly in love with her as the day they first met; and her three wonderful daughters had made her very proud. They were the three B's: the Beautiful, the Brilliant, and The Baby, as Gilbert secretly called them.

Karen, the oldest, was the beautiful daughter married to a much older man. Susanna, the brilliant middle child, was foolishly letting her poisonous jealousy darken her relationship with her husband. Lastly, Gaby, the baby, managed to nab the best catch and was about to tie the knot in what would surely be the wedding of the year.

But, as Julie was about to discover, all it would take was one heartbreaking crisis to shatter her glass house--testing her family's loyalty... and measuring the true depths of their love for each other...
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2001
    • Kensington
    • Mass Market Paperback
    • ISBN: 1575667916
    • ISBN13: 9781575667911

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