Romancing The Bounty Hunter
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    19th Century American West
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Sweet western romance story. Novelette length

Jess Colter has a reputation of one of the most feared bounty hunters in the west and she is on the trail of Cord Randall. His father paid her to find him and bring him home. She's determined to deliver Cord Randall to his father, even though the man is pure evil. The trail leads her to Big Oak, Texas. Trail weary, she decides to rest a bit while there and meets Randy Cord, a cattle rancher that thinks he owns the town and has secrets of his own.

Randy Cord finds his life turned upside down when he meets Jess Colter. Determined to keep his past a secret, he decides to stick close to her and finds he's attracted to her. When she is shot by the famous bounty hunter, Dade Yuma, he knows who is behind the attack. Taking matters into his own hands, he protects her even though she fights him every step of the way.
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