Reunited With the Duke
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Zachary Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester, hopes to heal the breach between the two branches of his family when he invites his five cousins, recently returned to England after a ten year absence in America, to stay with him and his new duchess at Winchester Park.
Eleanor Sheridan barely remembers the land of her birth and nervously voices her concerns about her family's uncertain future to a man whom she mistakes for a groom. The Honourable Matthew Wainwright is actually the gentleman sent to negotiate with her brother Jon regarding the leasing of several steamships. As head of his branch of the family, Jon's success in this venture is vital if he is to secure his siblings' future.
Stricken with remorse when she discovers Matthew's true identity, Ellie fears he will use her indiscreet confidences to his own advantage. Why then does she feel inexorably drawn towards this glamorous younger brother of an earl?
When aspects of Ellie's life in America threaten to destroy them all, Zach sees a way to resolve matters and lay to rest the dispute that has divided the family since his father's day. However, he can only achieve this goal with Matthew's help. Can Matthew put aside former loyalties to aid the duke's quest, even though he will never be in a position to seek the hand of the lady who has stolen his heart…
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2015
    • BookBaby
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1483555984
    • ISBN13: 9781483555980

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