Picture Perfect
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Seventeen-year-old Jessy Smith's life is perfect. She's the only child of rich and influential parents. She's the head cheerleader. She's dating the star quarterback. But when a stranger forces his way into the Smith home one winter night, her picture-perfect life shatters forever.Broken glass. Broken bones. Secrets. Lies.Murder.Why does this man claim to be Jessy's real father-only to beat her and lock her in a cage-like room? Why does he allow her to return to school-only to monitor her every move and threaten to kill anyone who dares interfere?Pushed to the brink emotionally and physically, Jessy finds temporary solace in a mysterious, brooding classmate and his kind friend. But the closer they become, the more secrets she must hide. And the more danger she puts them all in.Can Jessy fight back and reclaim her life? Or will she end up in a shallow grave?After all, secrets this big can't stay hidden forever.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2022
    • Laurie Wetzel
    • Trade Paperback

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