Mysterious Pleasures Family Vacation
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Remember the book Mysterious Pleasures? Well this is the 2nd book of the Series, and is named a little bit differently... Especially since it's got to have a different name, but it's still got all of the same characters that was inside of the first book. This is an Adult/Romance Novel... That's not suitable for children to read due to the content inside, but is filled with lots of stuff inside. Making it another good one to read & enjoy! Come to Germany, and follow the family on their new adventures. Even after the children have been growing up, together? My how things have been changing around home? Now it's a good rumor that Stephanie might be getting married. What will happen? She's fallen for the bartender that she met when her & all of her girlfriends, had went out, together. Plus, she's still having sex with her best friends husband, too! Remember their love triangle? They've never stopped having their threesomes, because that just wasn't going to work out for them all! They've still been keeping things hot & heavy, inside of the bedroom... Along with everywhere else they can make out at, together!
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    • First Edition
    • Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN13: 9798592347061

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