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Parallel universes do exist, and they are more horrifying then our worst nightmares… A theoretical physicist working as a secret agent must escape imprisonment in an alternative universe in order to save Earth. Dr. Clarisse Hull is a brilliant theoretical physicist living in a world of schemes and hidden peril. Her revolutionary research proves the existence of alternative universes, and she uses quantum physics to create portals in time space, which lead to other worlds. Unfortunately, she can't present the core of her work: It's Top Secret and owned by the government, just like herself. Clarisse is a secret black ops agent, and has been one all of her adult life. Horror, science, spirituality, romance and action come together in a thrilling visionary fiction novel that will catch you from the very first page. Right from the get-go, Clarisse's university doesn't believe her claims and denies her tenure, then fires. Unlike her academic peers, the denizens of the alternate reality recognize her achievement, and grab her up faster than you can say, “lead our army and take over planet Earth.” Clarisse finds herself captive in an alternative universe, desperately searching for her way home from a sadistic empire across sub-molecular frontiers. She must save herself, in order to save everyone on Earth. Along the way she will encounter breathtaking adventure and hideous betrayal, but also find the love of her life.
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2016
    • Vilasa Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1937927199
    • ISBN13: 9781937927196

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