Men of Riverside: Vol 2
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Understanding Mark Rick Dealy and Mark Shrader have the perfect, loving relationship, until a seeming act of betrayal threatens to destroy both their love and their lives... As a newly appointed lawyer in his uncle's firm, Rick Dealy doesn't have much time to get involved in a new relationship. But when he runs into Mark Shrader, his friend Adrian's younger brother, he realises some pursuits are worth the time. He and Mark fall in love and share their lives, until Mark's new job threatens to destroy everything they've worked so hard to achieve. Mark Shrader has had a crush on Rick for what feels like forever. And now that Mark's not so little, he's determined to make Rick his lover. After orchestrating a chance meeting, things finally seem to be going his way. But when one of the men he performs live music for, Tony Mondello, decides he wants to be Mark's lover, Mark must choose between his own safety and the life of his lover. Will Rick be able to understand what happened, find Mark and bring him back? Saving Zeke Ben and Zeke have been best friends forever â€" but can they become lovers without losing each other along the way? Ben Dealy longs for a loving relationship like the one his parents have, but he can't seem to connect to any of the women he dates like he does to his childhood friend, Zeke. As a police detective, admitting he's gay could ruin his career. But when he discovers Zeke is in trouble, not admitting he's gay may cost him much more than his job. Zeke has been fighting his attraction to Ben since college, but was determined to uphold the 'expected' lifestyle. When he discovers his fiancĂ©e, Claudia, is only after him for his money, he decides it's time to stop running from the truth, and start fighting for the man he's still crazy about. But will Ben and Zeke admit their feelings for each other or will Ben's need for a career drive them further apart?
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    • Jul-2011
    • Total-E-Bound
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0857154389
    • ISBN13: 9780857154385

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