Marriage Wages
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Marriage Wages by Peter Clarke is a gripping thriller that delves into the lives of several couples residing in a small neighborhood in Maryland, USA. The story revolves around the complexities of their marriages, the hidden conflicts and desires, and the shocking lengths to which some are willing to go for wealth and riches.Trinax, a keen observer living within the neighborhood, serves as the narrator of this chilling tale. Through his perspective, readers witness the façade of seemingly perfect relationships unravel, exposing infidelity, deceit, and desperation. As Trinax becomes increasingly involved in uncovering the truth behind the escalating events, the story evolves from a series of mysterious occurrences into a full-blown investigation.The chapters explore the cracks in the façade of each couple's relationship, the temptations that lead to cheating, the unraveling of trust, and the desperation for wealth. Dark deeds are committed, including murder, as characters succumb to their desires and greed. Trinax's perspective evolves from that of an observer to an active participant, piecing together the connections between the crimes and the marriages, ultimately leading to a confrontation with the mastermind behind the web of manipulation.The story culminates in a dramatic confrontation and resolution, where the surviving characters are forced to confront the consequences of their actions. Themes of love, trust, and the destructive power of greed are explored throughout the narrative, leaving readers with a haunting understanding of the human psyche and the choices we make in the pursuit of our desires.Marriage Wages is a thought-provoking tale that navigates the boundaries between morality and darkness, unraveling the intricacies of human relationships and the lessons learned from the characters' harrowing experiences.
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2023
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback

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