Lucky Fall
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    Contemporary Romance
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The crisp, cool feeling of new love is in the air.I just hope my good luck lasts all season long.What do you do when a date goes bad?You run out of the restaurant, of course.But if you're me, you'll be sure to mess up the exit.By running smack into someone on your way out.And not just any old someone.But the hottest guy you've ever seen!He breaks my fall and helps me to my feet.But there's no stopping my imagination.It just wants to run off with fantasies.I want him to steal my innocence and my heart.It turns out this might be Fall Festival-inspired fate.Because he happens to be in need of a fake fiancé.Without it, his family's fortune won't be secure.I can't believe my good luck.I get to marry the man of my dreams!I'll just have to remember it's not for real... right?Is the color of the leaves the only thing that's turning?Or might my run of bad luck in love be, too?Lucky Fall is a full-length standalone romance novel with no cliffhangers and a very happily ever after, and heat so hot it'll rival your hot apple cider!
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