Lovers & Killers
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Dark Regions Press is excited to announce Lovers & Killers, a new collection of thirty-seven poems from Nebula Award winning author Mary Turzillo (also known as Mary T. Brizzi) The collection includes twenty-five original poems. "Mary Turzillo sees the bones beneath the skin, and lays bare the nerves. Like shiny scalpels her sardonic and lovely words mordantly reinterpret botany and biology, astronomy and mythologies, crimes and passions, pungently, poignantly." - Ian Watson, BSFA Award author of The Butterflies of Memory "In Turzillo's razor-sharp lines, lovers and killers are examined, deftly dissected, and exposed to the world. The lovers and killers that you thought you knew are transformed, viewed from new perspectives. All types are captured in these pages. Even the page and the reader fall under her scrutiny. One can't help but surrender to Turzillo's vision and unique blend of wit and profundity." - J. E. Stanley, author of Dark Intervals and Intrinsic Night "Lovers & Killers is another gem-filled collection by a consistently imaginative master. Disturbing, playful, ruthless poetry. Turzillo is an emblem of the speculative poetry genre. She's not afraid to show that Iphigenia, Shakespeare, Fomalhaut, Basho, physics and dragons all exist in the same poetic universe. Her deeply serious irony fills these poems with delightful surprises." - Timons Esaias, Asimov's Readers Award author, BSFA Award Finalist. "Mary Turzillo's exciting new book, Lovers & Killers is a bold series of interpenetrations of various religious and psychological traditions from Europe, India, ancient Greece, North America, and elsewhere. Portals of human experience open and close in these poems, the past melts and stands again in younger tenses, the future shapes content while time keeps the poet's beat. I love these poems. Turzillo spreads her wings so we can spread ours." - Michele F. Cooper, author of Posting the Watch ..".this morning I opened it up, planning to read a couple poems and send an offer to finish reading and blurb immediately if it was still applicable, but here I am, having read the entire collection in a sitting and letting you know how horribly delicious it was. The blood, the tender death, the vicious love. If the book has already gone to press, this blurb is for you alone. Would that I could have shared it with your readers." - Laurel Winter, Rhysling and World Fantasy Award winner "Mary Turzillo's writing is wonderfully, delightfully twisted. The poems found in 'Lovers & Killers' will ignite your imagination with fantastical worlds and scenarios, make your heart ache as tragedy unfolds, cause your stomach to squirm in disturbance, and make your spine tingle with excitement, often all at the same time." - Vertigo Xi'an Xavier, publisher of The Poet's Haven
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2016
    • Dark Regions Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1626411638
    • ISBN13: 9781626411630
    • Oct-2013
    • Dark Regions Press
    • eBook (Kindle)

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