Irish Jack's Women
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The year is 1847 and the Irish potato crop has failed for the third year in succession. ‘Irish Jack' Spellman a highly successful ganger on the vital West Coast railway line from the South of England to Scotland has decided he must go home to County Roscommon to protect his family. Once in Ireland he is arrested for murder and is certain to hang. Joseph Locke, the engineer building the line has a lot at stake but not as much as Irish Jack. Without Irish Jack the line won't be completed on time and Locke's reputation will be ruined. More than prestige is involved, Irish Jack's female friend, Grace Savage, offers herself to Locke in an attempt to win his help. Locke is a well known Liberal Member of Parliament and Grace believes he can tip the scales in Irish Jack's favour but Locke is married and Victorian ‘respectability' is in full swing. Enamoured of Grace, Locke sets off. In Ireland he finds problems beside which railway building in rough country is child's play. There is rebellion and intrigue on all sides but with millions dying from famine and disease all around him Locke faces the greatest task of his life to win justice for Irish Jack. Frank Lean has previously published seven novels about Manchester Private Eye, Dave Cunane that are available on Amazon. Frank Lean's crime fiction has received critical acclaim and he was the runner up for the Golden Dagger award of the Crime Writers Association.
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2011
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1466200693
    • ISBN13: 9781466200692

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